Polarity Integrations

The Polarity Integration Framework provides a way to connect data sources to Polarity so that real-time notifications can be pushed to Polarity users based on data that is important to you.

In addition to connecting to existing datasources, the integration framework allows you customize how that data is displayed in the notification window.

Installing Integrations

All Polarity Integrations are installed in a similar manner. You can install integrations by either downloading a tar archive from the GitHub releases page of the integration you are interested in, or by using Git to clone the repo to your server.

In the instructions below we have provided example commands which will need to be modified depending on which integration you are installing. The following variables will need to be modified when you run the example commands:

We recommend installing integrations using Git as the process requires less steps. Git should already be installed on your Polarity Server.

Installing Integrations via Git Clone

Navigate to the integrations folder on your Polarity Server:

cd /app/polarity-server/integrations

Generally, you will want to clone the latest release of the integration using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/polarityio/${integration_name}.git 

For example, to clone the latest VirusTotal integration you would use the following command:

git clone https://github.com/polarityio/virustotal.git

If you are looking to install a specific version you can do that as well:

git clone --branch ${integration_version} https://github.com/polarityio/${integration_name}.git 

As an example, if you wanted to install version 1.0.2-beta of the virustotal integration you would use the commands:

cd /app/polarity-server/integrations
git clone --branch 1.0.2-beta https://github.com/polarityio/virustotal.git 

Once the repo has been cloned onto your server, change into the integration directory:

cd ${integration-name}

Use npm to install the integration’s dependencies

npm install

Ensure the integration directory is owned by the polarityd user

chown -R polarityd:polarityd /app/polarity-server/integrations

Restart your Polarity-Server

service polarityd restart

The integration is now installed and you can use the Integrations page in Polarity-Web to configure integration specific options. Please see the README.md file of the installed integration for details about integration specific options.

Installing Integrations via Release Download

Navigate to the releases page for the integration you are installing. The URL should look like https://github.com/polarityio/${integration_name}/releases. For example, the releases page for the virustotal integration is https://github.com/polarityio/virustotal/releases. You can find a link to the releases page near the top of the integration’s GitHub repository.

TAR Download Link

Download the tar.gz file for the version of the integration you want to install (we typically recommend installing the latest version of the integration).

TAR Download Link

Once downloaded, upload the tar.gz file to the Polarity Server’s integrations directory (/app/polarity-server/integrations).

If you have wget or curl installed on your Polarity Server you can use the following commands to download the integration to your Polarity Server:

For wget, run the following command:

wget --directory-prefix=/app/polarity-server/integrations https://github.com/polarityio/${integration_name}/archive/${integration_version}.tar.gz

For curl, run the following commands:

cd /app/polarity-server/integrations
curl -O https://github.com/polarityio/${integration_name}/archive/${integration_version}.tar.gz

Note that if you use wget or curl to download the integration, the downloaded file will not include the name of the integration. For example, if you were downloading version 1.0.2-beta of the virustotal integration, the downloaded filename will be 1.0.2-beta.tar.gz (without any reference to virustotal).

Once you have downloaded/uploaded the integration to your Polarity Server you will need to untar it. First, ensure you are in the integrations directory:

cd /app/polarity-server/integrations

Then, extract the tar file:

tar -xzvf <filename>

Note that after extraction the name of the directory containing the integration will include the version number. For example, if you download version 1.0.2-beta of the virustotal integration then you will have the following directory:


We recommend renaming the integration directory to just include the name of the integration. As an example, if you downloaded the virustotal integration you would rename the directory to virustotal instead of virustotal-${integration_version}.

mv virustotal-1.0.2-beta virustotal

Navigate into the extracted folder for the new integration:

cd ${integration_name}

Install the integration’s dependencies:

npm install

Ensure the integration directory is owned by the polarityd user

chown -R polarityd:polarityd /app/polarity-server/integrations/${integration_name}

Restart your Polarity-Server so the new integration can be loaded.

service polarityd restart

The integration is now installed and you can use the Integrations page in Polarity-Web to configure integration specific options. Please see the README.md file of the installed integration for details about integration specific options.


Polarity is a memory-augmentation platform that improves and accelerates analyst decision-making. For more information about the Polarity platform please see:
